Page 9 - January 2019 newsletter for Polish Roman-Catholic Church in St. Louis, Missouri.
P. 9

Roraty / Rorate caeli -The Rorate Mass
        Roraty,  msze  wotywne  na  cześć  Maryi  Panny,  zostały  odprawione  podczas  Adwentu  w  naszej  parafii.  Te
        tradycyjne Msze były odprawiane codziennie wczesnym rankiem, kiedy było jeszcze ciemno przy świetle świec.
        The Rorate Mass, a Votive Mass in honor of the Virgin Mary, was celebrated during the season of Advent once
        again at our Parish. These traditional Masses were celebrated daily in early mornings when it was still dark and
        were said by candlelight.

        Parafia św. Agaty -  St. Agatha Parish, St. Louis
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